Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Why men loose weight

The real reason men want to loose weight...  We all talk about wanting to feel better , look better, be healthier..blah blah blah let talk the real reason we want are dicks to be bigger. according to Dr OZ for every 30 pounds you loose your penis will "grow" an inch. Does actually get bigger no but there has been hidden penis!!!! the fat has been smothering away those precious inches!! so me go on the quest drop the weight go for the holy penis!. If not for just the simple pleasure of making it swing much to every ones dismay ;)
So men drop the weight and soon you will be Honking boat horns like you were Tommy Lee!


  1. HA!!! That's hilarious!!! AND TRUE!!! My Hubs and I were banded at the same time. We have joked quite a few times that about it's no fair that my boobs just keep getting smaller and his junk just keeps getting bigger.

  2. I made the same joke with my wife. WOman get the raw deal they loose the boobs but men gain the wiener! Let me guess your husband is always like hey guess what/// dick's bigger ;)

  3. LMAO. So basically I need to modify my dating website profile to include "only men who want to lose weight!" you're a genius!!

  4. Huh! Who knew? Makes sense though. Sadly, my husband doesn't have to lose 30 pounds...nor does he have to:)
