Thursday, May 31, 2012


BYOC – Bring Your Own Crazy! We answer five little questions to get to know each other better and to give our blogging brains a break. Copy to your own blog and enjoy!!

1. What religion were you raised as a child, if any, and are you still a member of that faith today? Why or why not?

I was raised in the CHurch of Sunday football. But now am Christian

2. Do you have an all time favorite candy or do you change favorites often?

It changes I always have a weekness for gummi things, but my new favorite it licking a good square of chocolate and putting rough corse sea salt on it

3. Are you a green thumb? Do you landscape your yard or plant any flowers or a garden? Do you pay someone to do it for you? Do you not plant a single thing?

I am pestilence

4. Let’s just say you were a tattoo junkie and you were planning your next tat and it had to be words only. What words would you choose? A quote? Phrase? One word? Would you do it in English or a different language?

I am a tattoo junkie. I just got my first letters a month ago is said "I still believe" which applies to many things in my life

5. Repeat question: Summarize your week.
It has been good bought a new to me car today for my wife :)

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