Monday, June 4, 2012

Oh PB how I have missed you

One of these days I will learn ( i doubt it but oh well) This morning I hit the left overs 2 ribs and small piece of corn on the cob. Ok eating in my comfy chair never a good idea it is a bad angle. And new rule food i have to chew off Like a rib or corn on the cob is a no go I so don't chew when I do. So needless to say it made a return visit Slime first then the PB. But what made it the best is I am sitting on the toilet and literally pb'ing into the tub ...kill me TMI...... NEVER ;)


  1. LMAO! We've all been there, whether we admit it or not.

  2. Sometimes the temptation is just too great. Hope you feel better soon.
