Monday, September 10, 2012

HUGE VICTORY and a suck shit one

Ok i have a really good thing happen today and a really crappy one. Good one I looked up average height and weight of a NHL player and it was 6'1" and 204. I am 6'2" 212 so with the extra inch I am the average NHL player a professional athlete. Bad new I have a lower back tooth getting ready to fall out.


  1. Shitty mcshitterson! I had to get an implant a couple months ago and the one beside it a crown...4 grand...yeah i still owe $3300...for an effin tooth...crazy.

    woo hoo for the hockey stats though!

  2. If you have a dental school close by you might be able to get the dental treatment done by students for a discount.

  3. AJ is our resident dental expert! I puffy heart her!! :) Listen to her. PS: well done on those stats!
