Friday, November 25, 2011

Week one weigh in and one goal down

Well THursady was my weigh in day and what doe sthe scale say......
13.2 Pounds ah ah ah to be exact and the count is exact!!! Yep fellow bandsters I lost 13.2 lbs so far and while in bandster hell to boot. Alice is very proud of me and my restraint over the last week. I was on liquids til yesterday but i was cooking for the wife and kids and managed not to cheat at it and stayed on liquids mind you by day 3 i was so sick of liquids but a quick trip to the store to get a different soup made a huge difference. I also made a protein packed Cuban Black bean soup which is damn good.

I also had my first NSV as well my 42" jeans now will fall straight off my waist. I have them held up with a belt and that will be the case till i fit into the 38's i own!!!


  1. Wow, that's awesome! Congrats on the loss!!!

  2. Congrats on the loss, and thanks for visiting my blog! Recipe for the black bean soup please, I'm one more week on full liquids then I can move on to mushies.

  3. here you go

  4. Awesome job man! Keep it goin! (and can i get that black bean soup recipe?...please?) :)

  5. Of course I see the recipe after I post that...thanks

  6. Awesome. That's an incredible loss for week one. Looking forward to seeing your success!
